Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Workout Schedule

Hey guys,

So for the past 2 weeks my body looked and felt like it was at a plateau and I was gaining nothing, so I decided to change up my workout sets throughout the week:
 Monday: Chest-abs-cardio
Tuesday: arms-abs-cardio
Wednesday: Chest-abs-cardio
Thursday: arms-abs-cardio
Friday: Shoulder-abs-cardio

I decided to shorten my rest periods so I could continue to tear the muscles that were used the two days ago in the schedule. Today is Wednesday and I felt a very good squeeze in my chest (probably the best contraction in a while). I was actually able to lift heavier on Wednesday as opposed to Monday. Maybe I just had more energy but we'll see later on. Here is a tip on Chest day for you guys:

When doing any kind of chest press try to hold the bar with only your palm and without your thumb as shown below:
This is called a false grip. The main purpose for this grip is to make it more comfortable on your wrists/shoulder in order to maximize your range of motion for your chest. You might not want to start off with this grip if you are just beginning to lift because it is a bit more dangerous (it is easier to slip). 

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